An update on this special date

It is 20 10 2020! Such a special date. What do you know, it has been 4 years and almost 5 months since I updated this blog on my jouney in fashion. In the last post I was talking about a new adventure. Well, that adventure came and went and so did another big one. But given the time that the whole world is in right now, there will be no big adventures on the agenda any time soon. COVID-19 has changed the life of many people worldwide, including mine.

But what I will tell you now is that I am okay. Of course a lot has happened and changed the past few years. The only thing that did not change was my dream to make it in the fashion industry. But I have to say that within that dream there has been a few changes, because besides having a fashion business I want to be a successful content creator as well. Besides my blogs I also started vlogging for my own YouTube Channel which I also need to update. Next to that I want to inspire as many people as possible via my Instagram as well. For the past month I became very serious about growing my following on the gram. So it is a mixture of content creator and fashion designer/ stylist. My goal is to have and be a successful fashion & lifestyle brand. Dreams!

In the next post I will break down what I have been up to and what I am planning to do next. But those of you who want to follow this online diary of my journey in fashion & lifestyle, I would like to let you know that I am back to keep you posted regularly, at least twice a month. It feels good to be back here.


XX Fashion Diva

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